Tag: memtech

February 10th Coworking Day at MidsouthMakers

by on Jan.26, 2017, under Events

February 10th is the next #memtech Coworking Day. Traditionally we meet for breakfast somewhere and then go cowork together at Cowork Memphis. This February we’re trying an experiment to bring the event to MidsouthMakers. This also coincides with a cookout that MidsouthMakers is already planning for February 10th.


* #memtech Geek Breakfast: https://www.meetup.com/memphis-technology-user-groups/events/237219796/
* #memtech Coworking Day: https://www.meetup.com/memphis-technology-user-groups/events/236422902/
* Coworking Day Lunch: https://www.meetup.com/memphis-technology-user-groups/events/237220079/
* MidsouthMakers Cookout 6:30-9pm

You don’t have to be a member at MidsouthMakers to join the events. If you can’t make the Cowork day feel free to join us for lunch or the cookout

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