Tag: makerspace
Midsouth Makers Plans a Trip to Makers Local 256
by Dan9186 on Jun.04, 2010, under Events, Trips
Again I’m not sure exactly how many people have heard, but along with our invitation to Nashville, we’ve also been invited to check out Makers Local 256 in Huntsville, AL. Our current agenda is for us to leave at 7:30 AM on June 26th so that we can meetup with the guys in Huntsville around lunchtime on that Saturday. From there we’ll checkout the shop, stay the night, and come back again on Sunday morning. Since we will be making use of discounted hotel rooms, we will need a head count no less than two weeks in advance to know how many rooms to get. If we do not do it at least two weeks before hand, we may not be able to get the discount. So bottom line, if you haven’t said anything by the meeting on the 11th of June, then you’re not going to be able to join us. That being said, everyone is welcome to come that wants to. You just have to let us know in time. Feel free to send in an e-mail to the mailing list, or send in one to info@midsouthmakers.org and let us know.
Memphis Hackerspace Pictures from March 5th Makers Meeting
by Joe on Mar.11, 2010, under Events, Meetings, News
Pictures have been uploaded from the March 5th Meeting. We had a great time and met some new friends from the local 2600 group. We had a few different projects shown off at this meeting including how to modify a cheap ink pen to write like an expensive writing instrument, Jim’s Arduino kit, Daniel’s scarf prototype and a handmade bracelet. We love hearing about any DIY projects or craft projects! Feel free to send us information about your project and we’ll feature it here on the Hackerspace Blog.
Don’t forget that you can keep up with the makers group by following us on twitter, becoming a fan on facebook, or even joining our Google Groups mailing list!
This weekend Daniel and Jim will be at our fan table at MidsouthCon! If you’re going to the con stop by and say hello. We’re having our usual meeting this friday March 12th at Republic Coffee, we hope to see you there. Feel free to bring a friend or a project!