PS:One Visits Sunday

by on Jan.22, 2010, under Events

It looks like things are certainly moving fast.  We have narrowed down our schedule on when to meet with Nathan from Pumping Station: One to hopefully this Sunday evening after 5 PM.  So far it looks like we have 5 people hoping to be there from the group.  Everyone seems to be getting really excited and pumped up about this.  We certainly have been given a very good opportunity here so if you think you might be able to make it then please do!

See everyone there!

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Our First Wiki Article

by on Jan.19, 2010, under News, Projects

In case you haven’t noticed the links at the top, our wiki and forum both are now listed up there.  To top things off they work too!

Currently I have been primarily focused on the wiki.  The main goal of it is to document any and all projects that we have in the organization, individual or group.  Since we are built around open source components and basing a lot of projects off of info shared by others, it’s only fair that we do the same.  This is not to say that we won’t necessarily patent any of our projects, but the ones that aren’t and maybe even some of the ones that are will be shared on there.

As part of trying to get all of this up and going, I have started work towards putting one of my personal projects up.  My project is currently not finished, but I do have various components of the overall project that have been completed.  So that is why, the very first article on our wiki is the LCD article.  So go check it out, tell what you think, and look back for more.

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Chicago Has Found Us!

by on Jan.17, 2010, under Events, News

Another group, Pumping Station: One, located in Chicago has found us.  One of their members will be visiting Memphis from the 23rd to the 25th.  He has requested an opportunity to meet us.  More specifically, he is one of the founding members of the group and might have quite a bit of insight to provide us.  Who knows, it may just turn out as a good opportunity to have another acquaintance with similar ideas and goals.  Either way this is a great opportunity for us as an up and coming group.

If anyone else is interested in joining me, we can try to schedule a time to sit down with him and talk.  Just let me know.

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Non Profit Status

by on Jan.17, 2010, under News

Well we have things together now.  We have a site up (with a wiki and forum), we have e-mail address being doled out, we have a monthly meeting scheduled, and we even have someone from a hackerspace in Chicago coming to the city for a trip that is interested in meeting us.

It is now time to work on our next step.  We want to obtain non profit status to provide us a few advantages.  The biggest one being an incentive for someone to let us borrow some space to use.  The other portion of this is once we are incorporated we will be able to have a bank account to collect money into to continue all our other plans with.  The tricky part is that we do need money in order to do this.  We need a total of $100 to file all of the paperwork (a page or two) with the state.  This will not hold things up for long, but I did want to offer everyone an opportunity to chip in what they can if they want to.  There is no specific amount that anyone has to donate, the more important thing is how many people are willing to help.

If you wish to contribute anything big or small, feel free to contact me here.

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Domain Names

by on Jan.14, 2010, under News

We officially now own the domains,, and  The .org will be our primary residence, but to prevent any others from moving in and trying to take our name we have them all!

We are officially one step closer to ruling the world with an iron fist or a can of cheez whiz, which ever we can get first.

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