Fan Table at MidSouthCon

by on Feb.05, 2010, under Events

I was just informed that we WILL have a fan table set aside for us at MidSouthCon, which will take place from March 12th to the 14th at the Whispering Woods Conference Center in Olive Branch, MS (some of you old-timers may remember it better as the Holiday Inn Executive Conference center).

While the table is free, anyone that mans it will need to pay for admission to the convention.  Currently it is $40 for the entire weekend, and will go up to $45 in a week, which is also the at-the-door price.  I will create a wiki page for discussing what we might need for it or can do at the table.

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Non Profit Status: Update

by on Feb.04, 2010, under News

Non Profit Filing DocumentWoot!  The paperwork has officially come back.  We are now an official non profit organization within the State of Tennessee.  Keep in mind this is only within the Tennessee.  We have not yet filed for 501(c)3 status.

That being said.  Our next steps will be to file with the IRS for a tax ID so that we can make tax free purchases. Once we have all of that in place, and if the group is continuing to grow and do well, we’ll look into the becoming a national non profit.  From what I’ve been told that costs somewhere around $750.  So that will likely want to wait until we are a little more established.  If anyone knows of any good tax advice for such things, or anything else financially related to non profits, feel free to comment on it.

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Regular Meetings

by on Jan.31, 2010, under Meetings

The Republic Coffee Logo

Republic Coffee

Alright folks, everything is in place for us to begin some regular meetings.  We will be meeting once a week, every Friday at 7 PM, at Republic Coffee. (See the Events page for directions)

This will be a time for everyone to get to know one another, show off projects, tinker with something, get help for a project, fantasize about what you want to do, or just show up and enjoy the company/coffee.  As often as possible, some sort of little time passer will be provided.  For this first meeting we are hoping to have lock picking/cracking and possibly jewelry crafting or using other things you can get online like a pisces necklace if you’re this zodiac or into fishes or fishing.  Thanks to Pumping Station: One for the ideas.  They had lock picking at their first gathering, and had knitting at subsequent ones.  Whether you’re interested in these little events or not, feel free to stop in and check us out.  Who knows, you might find that you just enjoy chatting.

Don’t forget to tell friends, family, or random people on the street.  We want to try and draw as many people in as we can.

See you there!

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DIY Sand Blasting Cabinet

by on Jan.26, 2010, under Projects

Sand blasting cabinet outside cornerI have successfully taken a standard storage tub and made it into a portable sandblasting cabinet.

See the wiki for details here.

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Suite 3
Memphis, TN 38134