Midsouth Makers Meetings Moving to CBU
by Dan9186 on Mar.19, 2010, under Meetings
In case you have not been informed, hopefully you have, but just in case. The Midsouth Makers meetings are moving. As you can see from the location info on the right hand side here, we are now meeting in the Nolan Engineering Building at Christian Brothers University. Many thanks goes to Dr. Ventura and CBU for this one. They have been watching over us almost since our conception as a group, and had a reasonable amount of interest in what we are trying to accomplish. Even more so now than ever before, everyone is encouraged to bring anything you wish to show off to the meetings. We’ll have plenty of room and plenty more people who will be interested in the various projects found at our meetings. We hope that this new location will prove to be not only beneficial for us, but them as well. This will be a great opportunity for us to expand now that we have more breathing room. There are several interesting projects this year from the seniors so keep your fingers crossed, we just might get to check some of them out.
Directions are relatively simple, and we really hope you don’t get lost. You will park in the Central Ave. parking lot and head north towards campus where you will quickly see the Nolan Engineering building. Typically the glass doors closest to the parking lot are locked during the evening so you may wish to try the next set a little further down on the building. Once you’re inside just head up the stairs on either end of the building and we’ll be in room 241 (the numbers are listed over top of the doors.) For anyone that feels like they need it, there is an elevator in the center of the building. In the event that you do get lost we have one other measure in place. You’ll be able to find our signs around campus with our logo and arrows on them directing you to the room. If you have any issues, questions, or all around problems don’t hesitate to send an e-mail to info@midsouthmakers.org.
March 12th Memphis Hackerspace Meeting Pictures
by Joe on Mar.16, 2010, under Events, Meetings
We had a great meeting last Friday. Jim and Daniel were at MidsouthCon setting up our fan table, but they managed to make it to the meeting. They had a great time at the con and spread the word about our group. We had a special guest Bryan from Makers Local 256 in Huntsville, AL. We had a great time talking about how Makers Local got their start and it was nice to talk to someone from another hackerspace. Here are the Memphis Hackerspace Pictures from the March 12th meeting.
We also discussed fund raising ideas to help out the group. We currently have vinyl decals availiable at our meetings for $5. If you are interested please let us know in the next meeting. If you have any other fund raising ideas or ideals for decals please let us know. We have our very own Google Group you can join and stay in touch with the group between meetings.
MidsouthCon Table
by Jim on Mar.12, 2010, under Events, News
Hi folks! Midsouth Makers will be promoting the group at Midsouthcon today, tomorrow and Sunday. If you can stop by please do, and bring any projects to show off or work on there. Daniel H, Mike D and I (Jim H) will be at the “Fan Table” area to hand out literature, show off projects and spread the Maker word.
MidsouthCon is being held at Whispering Woods Conference Center in Olive Branch, MS the 12th through the 14th of March. There is a fee to get in the door, so be prepared to spend money.
Memphis Hackerspace Pictures from March 5th Makers Meeting
by Joe on Mar.11, 2010, under Events, Meetings, News
Pictures have been uploaded from the March 5th Meeting. We had a great time and met some new friends from the local 2600 group. We had a few different projects shown off at this meeting including how to modify a cheap ink pen to write like an expensive writing instrument, Jim’s Arduino kit, Daniel’s scarf prototype and a handmade bracelet. We love hearing about any DIY projects or craft projects! Feel free to send us information about your project and we’ll feature it here on the Hackerspace Blog.
Don’t forget that you can keep up with the makers group by following us on twitter, becoming a fan on facebook, or even joining our Google Groups mailing list!
This weekend Daniel and Jim will be at our fan table at MidsouthCon! If you’re going to the con stop by and say hello. We’re having our usual meeting this friday March 12th at Republic Coffee, we hope to see you there. Feel free to bring a friend or a project!
Set your DVR’s – a Maker on TV (sorta)!
by critter42 on Mar.10, 2010, under Events, News
Just as an FYI…I will be appearing on the Fox 13 Morning Show sometime during the 8am hour and on the ABC24 11am news promoting MidSouthCon. Just look for the silent guy with the big yellow head :).