Shop Cleanup Day April 10th!
by Joe on Apr.04, 2011, under Events
We’re going to do a focused cleanup day at the space this Sunday April 10th starting around 10 AM. Feel free to come when you can; we’ll be working till about 5pm or so depending on how much we get accomplished. Bring your work gloves as we’ll be primarily focused on the shop to make some more room for projects and more work area. We want to make visible progress, not attempt to clean an entire mountain. We want to open up the shop area a bit better so that we (and the landlord) have more room to work. We have set goals that we want to complete on Sunday so that we can focus everyone’s efforts. That being said, if you have projects you’re storing / working on in the shop, you may want to make sure any tools or such are put up before Sunday. I know some of you have projects you all are working on, I just don’t want to have to move something that shouldn’t be moved.
Our main goals:
- reorder and reorganize the mezzanine, specifically the right hand half of it
- move enough stuff out of the way to get the metal rack over on that side against the wall
- order and organize the wood that’s on the floor there utilizing the rack and space created on the mezzanine
This doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a lot to do so we’re definitely going to be using everyone that can show up to help. These three things should keep us pretty busy all day.
LAN Party April 2nd Details!
by Joe on Mar.28, 2011, under Events, Fundraising
Come on down to our LAN-NIHILATION party starting this SATURDAY at NOON! How much, you ask? How about FREE?! We’ll be kicking things off by setting up these MONSTER MACHINES around 11am, but these babies NEVER SLEEP, so feel free to come by WHENEVER YOU CAN. We won’t stop playing until the last machine BURST INTO FLAMES or until everyone decides to pack it up. Our previous parties have gone till about midnight or 1am, but this LAN KNOWS NO LIMITS.
Come out and see all your favorites: Left4Dead2, Alien Swarm, StarCraft 2, Counterstrike, Team Fortress 2, Magicka, Monday Night Combat, UT3, Minecraft (our own server) and UT2k4.
For the first time since the last time, we’ll also have XBOX 360s! Rock Band, Halo, Guitar Hero, and Call of Duty will be AT YOUR MERCY! You’ll want a whole seat for all this face-melting action, but you’ll only need THE EDGE.
MEGA CHILI MADNESS! Our very own CHILI GOD Kevin Dunn will be cooking his amazing CHILI AMBROSIA. Not enough for you? We’ll have HOTDOGS, CHIPS, and ROTEL if you think you can handle it!
$10 gets you: Food + 2 Sodas
$15 entitles you to: Food + ALL THE SODA YOU CAN DRINK*
*or until we run out
Someone will be getting a KEG, those details to follow!
MidsouthMakers LAN Party! April 2nd 2011
by Joe on Mar.03, 2011, under Events, Fundraising
Comments Off on MidsouthMakers LAN Party! April 2nd 2011 :fundraiser, hackerspace, lan party, space more...February 18th Show and Tell Arduino Night @ Republic Coffee 7pm
by Joe on Feb.14, 2011, under Arduino, Arduino Projects, Electronics, Events, Meetings, Projects, Workshops
This Friday February 18th at Republic Coffee we’ll have members showing off their Arduino projects and answering questions about the Arduino platform. We’ve had a lot of interest in getting started with various Arduino boards so come learn more about the great things you can do with an open source platform.
What is an Arduino? Arduino is a physical computing platform and a software development environment for controlling various things like motors, sensors and even entire devices. The hardware and development environment are open source and there is a very large community of developers and hardware hackers out there working on projects. The hardware is also quite inexpensive. There are also “Getting Started” kits that are a package of items to help you hit the ground running with your Arduino.
Come see Prusa Mendel assembly Feb 11th
by Joe on Feb.09, 2011, under Arduino Projects, Electronics, Events, Meetings, Projects
This Friday Feb 11th 7pm @ the space come check out what we’ve been working on with 3d printers. We’ll have 3 Mendel printers in various stages of assembly. Come by and ask questions, hang out, and see the progress. Dan and Claudio will be working on early stages of assembly and Sonny will be working on later stages of assembly of his Mendel. Nick’s Makerbot will also be at the space to show off differences between it and the Mendels.
If 3d Printers aren’t your thing then feel free to ask for a tour around the space. Our Friday meetings are open to the public. Come by and see what we’re all about and of course, feel free to sign up for a membership!