Midsouth Makers Twitter Campaign

by on Aug.23, 2011, under Business, Events

What are you doing waiting on alt text?! Get to it!Attention! We are looking for a few good men and women to help spread the word about the Midsouth Makers this Labor Day weekend. The goal is simple – put up as many Midsouth Makers QR flyers as you can, and tweet about them using the knowledge you gained from our Twitter class. You can pick up QR flyers at the space or you can print off your own using this link.

Once you have your flyers, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Go to a public location
  2. Get permission to put up a flyer
  3. Take a picture of the flyer you placed
  4. Tweet your picture @MidsouthMakers, or tag your tweeted picture with the following hashtag: #MMContest

The person with the highest number of unique locations where they have placed signs will be declared the winner, with unique locations being indicated by unique tweeted images. To encourage you to fight the good fight, we’re going to offer the following rewards:

1st Place: MidsouthMakers Stein & 1 Free Workshop Pass
2nd Place: MidsouthMakers Pint Glass & 1 Free Workshop Pass
3rd Place: MidsouthMakers Rocks Glass & 1 Free Workshop Pass

Not so fast, recruit! While on this assignment, you must obey the following rules:

  • You must have permission to place flyers at the location. No sneaky business!
  • You must tag the image with @MidsouthMakers and #MMContest
  • This contest will occur Labor Day weeked (Sept 3rd, 4th, & 5th)
  • If the enemy captures you, you must tell them all about us and our operation!
  • All prizes will be given away at the Sept. 9th meeting at Republic Coffee.
  • Don’t forget to bring tape to put up flyers!

Good luck, and remember – no guts, no glory! Now move out!

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Rep Rap Prusa Mendel 3d Printer

by on Jul.30, 2011, under Arduino, Projects, Prusa

Dan's Rep rap Prusa 3d Printer

Dan's Rep rap Prusa 3d Printer

I get a lot of blank stares and strange looks when I tell people that I am working on a 3D printer. As such I’d like to set out to explain what one is as well as show off what I’ve completed on mine thus far.

So you ask, “What exactly is one of them there 3-Dee printer things you’re talking about?” In short, it is a rapid prototyping machine. Since I’m sure that clears it all up and removes any further questions you have in your mind, I’m done here and everyone’s good to move on to the next blog right? No of course not. The best explanation I have is it’s a machine that takes a plastic material, melts it down, and places a thin layer of the melted plastic one layer at a time until you have a finished object. It is a printer that works like your old school inkjet printer but also moves on a 3rd axis to make non flat prints.

Claudio's RepRap Prusa

Claudio's RepRap Prusa

The idea is as follows. What do you do when you want to develop some brand new, earth shattering, world stopping, sign of the apocalypse product that has never been in existence before and it needs a custom part that even Nostradamus didn’t predict? You design it of course, in your favorite 3D modeling software like Google Sketchup or Blender or any of the other dozens that are out there. The show stopper before was how you went from a digital model to something tangible that you could hold in your hands and break if you are one of those accident prone individuals. It always meant that you had to go pay some exorbitant amount for a machine shop to make you just one of that item, and heaven forbid that item didn’t fit the needs on the first round. I’m sure you can imagine where the price would go up rather quickly in development. So why not just make it out of cheaper material and something that works just well enough to serve as a proof of concept. Well, that’s exactly what the 3D printer does for you.

A handful of months ago two of the other members at our hackerspace and myself all decided we wanted to build our own Prusa 3D printers. No real defined reason behind it other than we knew we wanted our own printers, and that if we had one it would open new possibilities to us. Since there is no real completion point for these things, it would simply be that once we had it “working” we could use it to create new items and repair or replace old ones that were no longer available. That in a nutshell is the appeal of having such a device and the driving force behind our continued development of them. One of the single most awesome things about this particular printer that we are building, the Prusa. Is that it’s relatively cheap, easily reproducible, modular, and upgradeable. Currently we are in the process of getting them fine tuned and working to some extent. From there we’ll be able to spend further time using it to upgrade itself and improve it’s quality. Expect to see more details in the near future right here on my very own blog enlightening all of the saga of blood, sweat, tears, cursing, and agony that is the way of life a homemade 3D prototyping machine is.

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Sonny’s Quad Copter UAV Test Flight

by on Jul.25, 2011, under Arduino, Arduino Projects, Electronics, Projects

Sonny recently shared his current progress of his UAV Quad Copter project and included a test flight video.

So today I had my first real flights with my quadcopter UAV.   The setup is pretty advanced and it takes a lot to get up to speed.  I’ve learned a lot from my build.  I made custom printed PLA motor mounts, which have worked out really well to hold them on the end of aluminum pipes.  Unfortunately the cross in the middle which is also PLA could not handle the rough landings and cracked.  I’ve secured it for the time being, but I think I’ll be milling something better Wednesday.  If I can work out the stability issues, I’ll bring it Friday.  Anyway, check out the first flight/set of flights.

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Front Panel Display for a Rep Rap 3D printer

by on Jul.20, 2011, under Arduino, Arduino Projects, Electronics, Projects, Prusa

Ben sent me this writeup of his progress on his Rep Rap Prusa printer. Here’s his progress using one of the teensyduinos that PJRC: Electronic Projects with Components sent us.

I am currently building a rep rap Prusa 3D printer and one feature I want to add is a Graphic Display to display the nozzle temperature and the heated bed temperature. Once I had the Teensy in my hands, I rummaged through my parts bin and found a 128×64 graphic LCD.

As an Arduino newbie, I was blown away how easy the Arduino environment is to get up and running. Within minutes, I was able to get the IDE installed and the Libraries installed for the Teensy.

Using the GLCD example on the Teensy’s website, I populated my breadboard. The Crystal Fontz LCD (CFAG12864B-YYH-N) I used in the project has the NT7107C driver, not the KS0108 found in the GLCD example. The pin out on the Display ended up being different, but worked just fine.

My plans are to use the I2C output on the GEN7 Prusa electronics to send the temperature data to the Teensy over the i2c bus. For prototyping, I used the “Bus Pirate” to send i2c commands to the teensy to simulate the GEN7 electronics.

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What is Twitter? Free class, learn how to use twitter.com

by on Jul.07, 2011, under Events, Meetings, Presentations, Workshops

twitterWhat is Twitter? Are tweets, tags, and other Twitter text causing you confusion? The Midsouth Makers will be hosting an “Introduction to Twitter” class on Friday, July 15th from 7:30pm until 8:30pm to guide you through the twists and turns of Twitter! Learn the basics with us in this fun and free class taught by an actual human being! We’ll be hosting the class at Republic Coffee (2924 Walnut Grove Rd) in their large conference room in the back. Sign-up for this class at the following link: http://www.midsouthmakers.org/events/ (though you are always welcome to show-up on Friday even if you haven’t signed up!).  Feel free to email us any questions, comments, or critiques at info@midsouthmakers.org.  #seeyouthere!

Topics to be covered include:

  • What is Twitter?
  • Creating an account
  • Twitter vocabulary
  • Best Twitter practices
  • and more!

So if you – or someone you know – would like more information on Twitter, sign up on our Events page, then come see us on July 15th!  And remember, there is no charge for this class.

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