Expand your projects with Laser Cutting
by Joe on Nov.19, 2011, under Uncategorized
Here’s some pictures of Sonny cutting acrylic for a couple projects Keith is working on. Sonny brought his laser cutter up to the space and we had a blast cutting and etching things.
Here is a video of the laser cutter in action.
Recap from Artist Ghetto Meeting 11/9
by Joe on Nov.17, 2011, under Crafts, Electronics, Events, Meetings, Presentations, Projects
We discussed briefly whether we would have a 4th Wednesday meeting in December (We WILL NOT have a 4th Wednesday meeting in November). As the 4th Wednesday falls in the holiday doldrums on December 28th it might be fine for an informal, project show and dream and tell meetup. Roy will be there no matter what.
Rick showed the programmable LED artwork he made with pool concrete, LEDs and film canisters.
Roy showed the LED t-shirt he screenprinted (his first) and lit with the knowledge he got from Rick’s LED class. Roy also showed my first steps with Arduino — a PWM sketch that faded in, then faded out an LED. Woo hoo!
Dru demonstrated us his excellent progress on the sewing machine that Judith had brought. After removing the rust on a few key components he had it cranking and sounding like a real live stitching machine.
This Saturday: “The Light Amplification Tour” Featuring Stimulated Emission of Radiation
by cpatton on Nov.15, 2011, under Electronics, Events, Presentations, Projects, Uncategorized, Workshops
Hello to all you atoms out there!
Are you ready to get this laser going?!
You call that a response? It sounds like you’re in a ground state out there, and I’m going to need you at least two or three levels above that! That’s right, I’m going to need you to get excited tonight! Come, on let’s get this population inverted!
Hey, that’s better! It looks like some atoms in the back have a nice wavelength going – let’s all join in for a cascading effect!
If you’re digging this gain medium, let me see you get amplified!
Yeah, now you’re getting your photons in step!
Now, without further ado, please welcome to the stage, the reason you atoms are so excited to be here, the one, the only – Stimulated Emission!
What: The Midsouth Makers are hosting a laser class and demonstration! The goal is to demystify lasers and how they operate. For the demonstration, we will be etching some aluminum business cards with your designs, which you will then be able to take home with you!
When: November 19th at Noon
Where: The Space
Cost: $10 for Midsouth Makers Members, $20 for Non-Members. (The price covers both the business cards and the cost to run the laser)
What to Bring: Please bring a laptop on which you can design your business card. The cards themselves are 3.5” by 2”, and we ask that you try to come with your design ready to go, but open to changes if necessary.
Please sign-up on our events page if you wish to participate: http://www.midsouthmakers.org/events/
Cookout & Game Night
by cpatton on Nov.11, 2011, under Events, Meetings
Y’know, back in my day, the only game we had was Stick Ball Beta Four. It was a hard game to play, especially considerin’ there was only one ball in the whole town, and you had to compile the entire game yourself! Oh sure, any Tom, Dick, or Haderach could find a stick, but a bunch of whippersnappers standing around with just sticks might as well have been Stick Ball Alpha! No siree, Stick Ball Beta Release #4 was the only respectable game in town, and if you didn’t play you might as well have not existed. Heck, we picked our mayor because of his tenacity on the augmented reality Stick Ball courts! And what have we got now, eh? Stick Ball Beta Five?! FIVE?!?! Bah! The gall of the Stick Ball developers! The sheer nerve of those rubes thinking they could improve upon a classic like ol’ SBb4! Before you know it, they’ll be asking us to wait until the game is actually finished before playing!
What: The Midsouth Makers are hosting a Cookout & Game Night this Saturday evening! Pick your favorites games and bring them over. We’ll try and play everything, but preference is given to those who get there first and to people who are extremely persuasive about their game.
When/Where: This Saturday, November 12th – 6pm @ the space
Cost: Free! (Though donations for food are greatly appreciated!)
by cpatton on Oct.06, 2011, under Events
LAN WARS from Midsouth Makers on Vimeo.
What: This will be Midsouth Makers 4th LAN party/fundraiser/cookout event! Pulled pork and fries will be served. Feel free to bring any games you’d like to play. There will also be a Minecraft tournament with special prizes!
When: October the 29th from 4:30pm until we get tired of seeing at you.
Where: Our space – 2203 Freemont Road, Memphis, TN 38114. We will be setting up the shop to hold as many contestants as possible.
Things to bring:
-A computer (PC or Mac, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse, Power cables, USB cables, etc.)
-Copies of the game(s) you wish to play.
-If you want to participate in the tournament or just play Minecraft for fun, you will need at least 1GB of free HD space. (We can provide copies of Minecraft to you.)
– Headphones
– Ethernet Cable
– Bring your own drinks, or bring cash to buy drinks from us
Cost: Free, but donations are highly encouraged because they help make events like this possible!
Sign-up on our events page: http://www.midsouthmakers.org/events/
We hope to see you there, and as always, may the force be with you!