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Memphis Hackerspace Meeting 3/26 Featuring DIY Letterpress

by on Mar.29, 2010, under Meetings, Projects

Daniel and Mary Show off their Letterpress

Daniel and Mary Show off their Letterpress

We had a great meeting last Friday, if you missed it, you missed a good time and some really neat projects. Daniel and Mary brought their Hydraulic Letterpress and some examples of the work they’ve been able to do with it. Mitzi also brought in a handmade wooden basket that Brad made out of materials laying around the garage, and Rick brought in some picaxe microcontroller stuff to show off.

You can see the rest of the pictures from the meeting on Flickr and Facebook

We look forward to seeing everyone Friday @ CBU!

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Midsouth Makers Meeting Pictures From March 19th

by on Mar.21, 2010, under Meetings, Presentations, Projects

Rick's Arduino Presentaion

Rick's Arduino Presentaion

We had a great first meeting at Christian Brothers University, they’re graciously allowing us to use one of their classrooms and we were able to have our first presentation. Rick Mayfield shared his great Arduino presentation. Rick also brought some of his DIY projects including a light made from bright LEDs as well as a USB LED light.

The rest of our pictures have been uploaded to our Facebook Pictures.

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March 12th Memphis Hackerspace Meeting Pictures

by on Mar.16, 2010, under Events, Meetings

Midsouth Makers March 12th meeting

Midsouth Makers March 12th meeting

We had a great meeting last Friday. Jim and Daniel were at MidsouthCon setting up our fan table, but they managed to make it to the meeting. They had a great time at the con and spread the word about our group. We had a special guest Bryan from Makers Local 256 in Huntsville, AL. We had a great time talking about how Makers Local got their start and it was nice to talk to someone from another hackerspace. Here are the Memphis Hackerspace Pictures from the March 12th meeting.

We also discussed fund raising ideas to help out the group. We currently have vinyl decals availiable at our meetings for $5. If you are interested please let us know in the next meeting. If you have any other fund raising ideas or ideals for decals please let us know. We have our very own Google Group you can join and stay in touch with the group between meetings.

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Memphis Hackerspace Pictures from March 5th Makers Meeting

by on Mar.11, 2010, under Events, Meetings, News

March 5th Midsouth Makers Meeting.

Pictures have been uploaded from the March 5th Meeting. We had a great time and met some new friends from the local 2600 group. We had a few different projects shown off at this meeting including how to modify a cheap ink pen to write like an expensive writing instrument, Jim’s Arduino kit, Daniel’s scarf prototype and a handmade bracelet. We love hearing about any DIY projects or craft projects! Feel free to send us information about your project and we’ll feature it here on the Hackerspace Blog.

Don’t forget that you can keep up with the makers group by following us on twitter, becoming a fan on facebook, or even joining our Google Groups mailing list!

This weekend Daniel and Jim will be at our fan table at MidsouthCon! If you’re going to the con stop by and say hello. We’re having our usual meeting this friday March 12th at Republic Coffee, we hope to see you there. Feel free to bring a friend or a project!

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Memphis Hackerspace March 5th Meeting

by on Mar.05, 2010, under Meetings

We had a great meeting tonight thanks again to everyone who came out and special thanks to those who brought projects to show off. Tonight we learned about using a vinyl cutter to create custom stickers and we learned how to mod a Montblanc pen refill to fit into a much cheaper pen casing. We also got a few more ideas for a space since we seem close to outgrowing Republic Coffee. A few of us showed up early to join in on the local 2600 meeting, they were a great bunch and we had a few stay for our meeting as well. The local 2600 group meet the first Friday of the month and they seem very interested in a Memphis Hackerspace. We’ll share the pictures from the meeting and of the various projects that were shown off soon.

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