Author Archive
Come chat with us in Telegram!
by Joe on Aug.11, 2017, under News
Join us and other Memphis area makers in Telegram! A chat room about all things Midsouthmakers!
Hosting Events at Midsouth Makers
by Joe on Mar.14, 2017, under Events, Meetings
We love to share our space and host events for our members. Part of being a member is the ability to host a small (10-15 attendees) event at the space. Midsouth Makers has hosted Meetups, Board meetings for Memphis Technology Foundation and HACKmemphis, as well as many smaller events such a LAN parties and other gatherings for organizations.
How Do you host an event at Midsouth Makers?
Step 1: One of our members must be deeply involved with your organization and take responsibility for being at the space while the event is happening.
Step 2: The Midsouth Makers member that is your representative must contact the board to schedule the event to ensure it does not interfere with any other events at the space.
Step 3: Promote your event! We’ll help Promote your event across all of our public channels.
Remember: Midsouth Makers is a functioning shop and work area constantly in use by our members. While members have first priority to using the space we do try to facilitate meetings and gatherings where our members are deeply involved as much as we can.
Questions? contact the board
February 10th Coworking Day at MidsouthMakers
by Joe on Jan.26, 2017, under Events
February 10th is the next #memtech Coworking Day. Traditionally we meet for breakfast somewhere and then go cowork together at Cowork Memphis. This February we’re trying an experiment to bring the event to MidsouthMakers. This also coincides with a cookout that MidsouthMakers is already planning for February 10th.
* #memtech Geek Breakfast:
* #memtech Coworking Day:
* Coworking Day Lunch:
* MidsouthMakers Cookout 6:30-9pm
You don’t have to be a member at MidsouthMakers to join the events. If you can’t make the Cowork day feel free to join us for lunch or the cookout
Member Storage Changes
by Joe on Jan.19, 2017, under Business, News
We’re changing our Member Storage Policy. We are going for better storage unit prices. Currently you are able to lease space to store your items at the space for $10 a month. The pricing isn’t changing. Currently “Open slots are free to use by any member but are communal and not private” This is changing to: Open slots will no longer be used as communal storage. Anything in a section that is not currently being leased will be moved to the Lost and Found rack, or the Catacombs.
This Friday 1/20 we’ll be cleaning out the open slots (with items going to the Lost and Found Rack or Catacombs). If you have anything in this communal storage area please make plans to collect them from the space this Friday or at your earliest convenience.
Lost and Found and Unlabeled Project Storage
by Joe on Jan.04, 2017, under News
We’re implementing a Lost and Found system. Lost and Found will also serve as a place that members can move a project that is unlabeled to a safe storage place so the owner can reclaim their project.
Remember that we have dedicated member storage and you are expected to utilize this instead of a random nook or cranny in the space to store you projects. If you do need to leave a project or belongings at the space you are expected to leave a note with at least your name on it. If you do not do this you may find your project in the Lost and Found rack. Not all storage experts deal with protecting valuable antiques, as its a risky business. However, there are storage companies that not only help you pick a self storage unit but also assist you in packing the valuable antiques.
If you come into the space and you have to move things to free up a working space, move the things to the Lost and Found rack.
If you come into the space and can’t find something you left, check the Lost and Found rack!
Every 2 weeks (or less) the Lost and Found rack will be completely wiped clean. Everything on it will go into the garbage or salvaged for parts. Please make sure you are checking the Lost and Found rack each time you visit the space in case you have misplaced or forgotten to label a project.
Don’t leave your stuff at the space without a note on it. Lose something? Check the Lost and Found rack.

Lost and Found Rack