Author Archive
Sonny’s Quad Copter UAV Test Flight
by Joe on Jul.25, 2011, under Arduino, Arduino Projects, Electronics, Projects
Sonny recently shared his current progress of his UAV Quad Copter project and included a test flight video.
So today I had my first real flights with my quadcopter UAV. The setup is pretty advanced and it takes a lot to get up to speed. I’ve learned a lot from my build. I made custom printed PLA motor mounts, which have worked out really well to hold them on the end of aluminum pipes. Unfortunately the cross in the middle which is also PLA could not handle the rough landings and cracked. I’ve secured it for the time being, but I think I’ll be milling something better Wednesday. If I can work out the stability issues, I’ll bring it Friday. Anyway, check out the first flight/set of flights.
Front Panel Display for a Rep Rap 3D printer
by Joe on Jul.20, 2011, under Arduino, Arduino Projects, Electronics, Projects, Prusa
Ben sent me this writeup of his progress on his Rep Rap Prusa printer. Here’s his progress using one of the teensyduinos that PJRC: Electronic Projects with Components sent us.
I am currently building a rep rap Prusa 3D printer and one feature I want to add is a Graphic Display to display the nozzle temperature and the heated bed temperature. Once I had the Teensy in my hands, I rummaged through my parts bin and found a 128×64 graphic LCD.
As an Arduino newbie, I was blown away how easy the Arduino environment is to get up and running. Within minutes, I was able to get the IDE installed and the Libraries installed for the Teensy.
Using the GLCD example on the Teensy’s website, I populated my breadboard. The Crystal Fontz LCD (CFAG12864B-YYH-N) I used in the project has the NT7107C driver, not the KS0108 found in the GLCD example. The pin out on the Display ended up being different, but worked just fine.
My plans are to use the I2C output on the GEN7 Prusa electronics to send the temperature data to the Teensy over the i2c bus. For prototyping, I used the “Bus Pirate” to send i2c commands to the teensy to simulate the GEN7 electronics.
Pictures from our July 3rd Cookout
by Joe on Jul.04, 2011, under Events
Here are some pictures from our July 3rd Cookout. Thanks to everyone that was able to make it out, it was a good time.
Vehicle Maintenance June 25th Noon @ The Space
by Joe on Jun.11, 2011, under Events, Presentations, Workshops
Saturday, June 25th, the Midsouth Makers are hosting a class on basic vehicle maintenance. If you’re interested in learning more about your car or truck and how to perform common maintenance tasks on your own, feel free to sign up at This class will be performed using hand tools, both to show “how” and “how easy” it is to do these things.
We will be covering the following topics:
- “Under the Hood”
- Alternator
- Distributor Cap
- AC Compressor
- Battery
- Serpentine Belt
- Power Steering Pump
- Spark Plugs
- Air Input Ducts
- Standard Fluids
- Oil
- Transmission
- Power Steering
- Brake
- Windshield Wiper
- How to check air pressure
- How to change air filters and windshield wipers
- How to change a serpentine belt
- How to change out spark plugs and wires
If we have enough time, we will also attempt to cover how to change a tire and go over some more advanced topics, such as sensors, fuel rails, and a few other things, in Dealer Service Alternative you will get anything done by the best professionals. It is important and essential to take manage and care of your car.
We look forward to seeing to you there!
What is Fiberglass? Learn how to Fiberglass with MidsouthMakers
by Joe on Jun.06, 2011, under Events, Workshops
For those of you that were not able to attend for one reason or another, we made a DVD for sale so you too can learn the secrets of fiberglassing. Of course, those that attended may also purchase a copy of the DVD as well. The cost of the DVD is $5.00 payable as a donation to the group. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of this DVD, please let us know and Kevin will have them at the meeting this Friday for pickup.
The long awaited, highly anticipated event of the year is finally about to take place! Meeting Sharon Stone? Nope. Getting to blow up Mount Rushmore? Wrong again!
Learning how to fiberglass? Bingo! This Saturday, June 11th at 11:00, the Midsouth Makers will be hosting a how to work with fiberglass 101. The cost is only $5! Ever wonder what is fiberglass? Come learn the basics class which will teach you the fundamentals of working with fiberglass enabling you to start using your new skill immediately to start making really cool stuff.
If you have something you would like to try your hand at custom fiberglassing, please feel free to bring it with you! There should be plenty of resin and matting to go around!
WHEN: Saturday June 11th 11am
WHERE: 2203 Freemont Rd. Memphis, TN 38114
COST: $5 per person
It WILL be HOT, but if fiberglass insulation makes you itch, then wear long sleeves! Preferably a light cotton shirt that you don’t mind disposing of afterwards.
We hope to see you there!