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MidsouthMakers Member Judith mentioned in Memphis Flyer

by on Dec.11, 2011, under Crafts, News, Projects

Just wanted to pass along a link about our very own Judith Dierkes that was published in the memphis flyer. You can read the article online here:

The article is about her pop up art gallery.

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DIY Closet Desk by Nick

by on Dec.05, 2011, under Crafts, Projects, Woodworking

Nick sent out to our mailing list info about the closet desk for his home that he built up at the space, here’s what he had to say and some pictures of the project:

… I was up there into the wee hours of the night Saturday working on the ‘closet desk’ project I recently started.

I went out and got some 1×2 stick wood and a nice sheet of 7-ply birch for a desk surface from Lowe’s. Also some nice stain and sealant for later.
Up at the space, my pal and I ripped the plywood in half with the table saw and did some other long cuts to shape out the two halves appropriately: the desk surface and a shelf to go above it. We spent most of our time there setting up guides for cuts, and failing pretty comically with a jigsaw, plus sanding down all to-be-exposed surfaces nice and smooth.
Back home, the 1x2s were nailed into a closet that had been stripped of most of its shelving to make room. The 1x2s formed the frame on which we then rested the desk surface. I plan to use a similar method for the overhead shelf.
It’s untreated, if smooth. In a week or so, given time, I’d like to tear it back down to sand/stain/seal it all into a nice, deep finish. In the meantime, I’m sorta beta testing the design to identify any changes I want made before all that finishing work.
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Expand your projects with Laser Cutting

by on Nov.19, 2011, under Uncategorized

Here’s some pictures of Sonny cutting acrylic for a couple projects Keith is working on. Sonny brought his laser cutter up to the space and we had a blast cutting and etching things.

Here is a video of the laser cutter in action.

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Recap from Artist Ghetto Meeting 11/9

by on Nov.17, 2011, under Crafts, Electronics, Events, Meetings, Presentations, Projects

Dru, Rick and Roy met on 11/9 for the November Artist Ghetto meeting. Here’s what Roy shared about the meeting:

We discussed briefly whether we would have a 4th Wednesday meeting in December (We WILL NOT have a 4th Wednesday meeting in November).  As the 4th Wednesday falls in the holiday doldrums on December 28th it might be fine for an informal, project show and dream and tell meetup.  Roy will be there no matter what.

Rick showed the programmable LED artwork he made with pool concrete, LEDs and film canisters.

Roy  showed the LED t-shirt he screenprinted (his first) and lit with the knowledge he got from Rick’s LED class.  Roy also showed my first steps with Arduino — a PWM sketch that faded in, then faded out an LED.  Woo hoo!

Dru demonstrated us his excellent progress on the sewing machine that Judith had brought.  After removing the rust on a few key components he had it cranking and sounding like a real live stitching machine.

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MidsouthMakers Art/Visual BOF meeting

by on Sep.19, 2011, under Crafts, Meetings, Projects

Purpose: An informal meetup of MSMers who want to apply making principles to art and showmanship, or, flip it, add visual showmanship to making. For those who want be a geekier artist or artier geek.
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Date: Wednesday, 09/21/2011
Location: The Space

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