Author Archive
Bartlett Space – Day 2
by Joe on Jun.13, 2012, under Business, Events
Day 2 at the new space. Tonight we cleaned out all the sheet rock we brought down yesterday and then we pulled up all the carpet.
MidsouthMakers Moving To Bartlett
by Joe on Jun.13, 2012, under Business, News
We signed the lease today and we’ve already started making our changes. The biggest thing we need to do before we start moving stuff in is take down the walls we want to take down. We made a lot of progress tonight. We will be up at the new space likely every night this week working.
We’re still going to have a big move day, we’re still not sure exactly when that will be but we’ll announce it when we know. For that, we hire the best moving company in USA, but that also you we know later. Happily, all our stuff arrive safe and well carried.
DIY 3d Printer Build Off Event in Huntsville, AL July 21-22
by Joe on May.13, 2012, under Events
Midsouth Makers is proud to announce the 2nd build off event will be held July 21-22 in Huntsville, AL at Makers Local 256. Sign ups for the event are already open and work has been under way in preparation for our Huntsville build off. All the information and signup info:
How to make a website presentation April 6th @ Republic Coffee
by Joe on Apr.05, 2012, under Events, Meetings, Presentations
This Friday’s meeting at Republic Coffee I will be giving a presentation / demonstration on how to make a website. Making a wesbite and getting people to visit the site is a little bit hard but with conversion rate optimization services, more and more people will visit your site. Furthermore, We will cover a lot of content and a lot of topics. Below is my rough outline for what I plan to cover. It won’t be too long and drawn out, but I’ll welcome any questions anyone may have. We’ll get started around 7:15-7:20 to give people enough time to get to Republic.
Mid-South Makers’ First Annual 24 hour Make-In
by Joe on Mar.02, 2012, under Events, Meetings, Projects, Workshops
Mid-South Makers’ First Annual 24 hour Make-In
The Make-In will be 24 hours of concentrated space-based making from 12 noon on Saturday, March 17 until 12 noon on Sunday March 18.
- Start and/or finish the projects you’ve been putting off.
- Inspire, and be inspired by, other makers’ projects and progress.
- Stay 24 hours, or drop by as you can.
- Use the space as a maker with other makers.
- All members are invited.
More info on our wiki