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Recycling and Facilities Logistics update

by on Feb.17, 2014, under Business

As of 2/16/2014 Midsouth Makers has halted all recycling efforts except for aluminum cans. The effort required to haul and receive payout, and lack of room was the deciding factor. Please place aluminum cans neatly in the red tape area of the shop. Please do not crush cans. They are easier to handle at the recycler when they have not been crushed


Even though we have ceased recycling, we are still taking donations. If a member is donating/bringing in a donations, it is his/her responsibility to break down and put away donations. If unsure about the intrinsic value or where to put an item, place it in the red tape area in the shop.

Salvage Parts and Items:

If you have walked into the space recently, you will find we have bins. Lots and lots of bins now! Please keep these organized. There are some spare bins, if we need more categories. Just make sure to label the bin!

This is a work in progress and there are plans on expanding expanding the bin storage and creating custom drawer shelving unit to house the bins.

Shop Tables:

Just a friendly reminder that all items on the work bench near the door should only be there for 1 week max. I myself am guilty of this. If you have some projects that have been lingering there for a while, please complete or pick them up. If you leave a project on this bench, please make note of your name and the date last worked on. Abandoned projects will be filed away in the trash bin. This is a necessary evil to create room for newer projects being fabricated in the space.

Pegboard/Tool Chest:

The space has gained another 4×8 foot section of pegboard. The pegboard and tool chest is for storing tools and tool consumables (blades, sandpaper, ie) only.

Gray Hanging Wall Bins:

These are for fasteners and tiny loose hardware items that don’t need a large bin. These are a current work in progress. If a bin is needed for fasteners or tiny hardware items, please label the bin with the label maker.

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DIY Rustic X Coffee table – Weekend Project

by on Dec.05, 2012, under Woodworking


Over the course of the last week or so I built my own coffee table. A picture of the final result is below. I spent about $80 on it. Which is built better and cheaper than the press board trash furniture that you will find in a box. In total it took about a day to complete. It wasn’t too hard of a build, probably a 4 on a difficulty scale. The plans I used for the DIY Rustic X Coffee table can be found here. The rough dimensions are 52″x27.5″. I finished it off with vinegar and steel wool to stain it and several coats of polyurethane. Next is to build end tables with outlets and usb chargers.

DIY Rustic X Coffee Table

Finished DIY Rustic X Coffee Table

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DIY Home Audio Project – Tube Amp

by on May.04, 2012, under Electronics, Projects

Recently Roy and I set out to build set out to build a better headphone amplifier for our higher end Sennheiser headphones. A headphone amp simply boosts the power to the headphones a bit, this results in better sound on the bigger headphones. The design is built around a know design over at Diy Audio Projects. It is a Class A amplifier with a 12AU7 tube. We ended up puting a spin on the project and added a PCM2704 USB DAC (sound card). Sweet glowing tube action pictures are below.

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Hacking the PowerBag – Quick and easy lunchtime hack

by on Feb.07, 2012, under Electronics

Today a buddy at work got a new PowerBag, come to find out the micro usb cable would not charge his Galaxy Nexus. The .8 A that the micro USB port was putting out was not enough to charge the device.  Luckily there was an apple port that was rated to charge devices at 1 amp. Since he doesn’t own any apple devices,  a quick snip took care of the Apple plug. A little solder, and a donor micro USB cable the PowerBag had a brand new micro USB that would charge the Nexus!

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