Midsouth Makers Board Changes
by Jonathan Wood on Jun.10, 2014, under Business, News
As most of you know, Dan Hess, one of our founders, a past president and, until recently, treasurer of the group, has accepted a job in (and is moving to) Portland, Oregon. As such, he is stepping down from his role as Treasurer. Shortly after this was announced, Joe Ferguson, another founder and board member, announced that he would be stepping down from his position of Secretary in order to better focus his attention on driving and developing the tech community throughout Memphis.
In order to replace these two Board members for the duration of the current Board term (until the next election is held in December 2014), the remaining Board members elected Brett Henley and Jonathan Wood to take on the roles of Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, and hope they do not completely screw up the organization over the next 6 months.