Happy Birthday Cookout at MidsouthMakers
by Joe on Jan.10, 2014, under Events, Meetings
This Wednesday is MidsouthMaker’s birthday. We’ve come a long way since 2010 and we’re going to celebrate this FRIDAY by cooking out hamburgers & hot dogs at the space. We’ll fire up the grill around 6:30ish. BYOB/Sides/Desserts.
Where: The Space
When: Friday Jan 10th 7ish
Who: YOU!
How Much: FREE! (Donations always welcome)
Why: Why not!?
Please RSVP here so we know how much food to prepare
We will be meeting at our space in Bartlett (2804 Bartlett Rd, Suite 2 Memphis, TN 38134 Our Building is behind the building facing the street).
Our open house meetings are quite laid back and for members and non-members to come check out what we have going on at the space or to just come tour our space